Sold Real Estate in Spanish Fork Utah

Statistical Information and Research of Sold Homes in Spanish Fork Utah


The chart below is from the Utah Central Association of Realtors. This chart represents the number of homes sold each quarter in Spanish Fork Utah. Each quarter for each year between 2014-2018 show the units sold, median price and average price and the respective changes in this data. This data does not include transaction in which a realtor was not involved like a home sold by an owner or a builder that did not use a realtor. However, I think this data represents over 90% of all real estate sales in Spanish Fork Utah.

Sold Real Estate in Spanish Fork Utah

A Closer Look at the Data and Direction of the Spanish Fork Real Estate Market


The total units sold in Spanish Fork were 697 which was a slight decrease from 2017. The number of units sold went down 3% from the previous year. The median price in 2018 increased each quarter and ended the year with an average at $283,821. The median price of a home in Spanish Fork Utah had a 10% increase over last year. The average sold price of a home sold in Spanish Fork Utah was at $305,463 which was an increase of 11% over last year.

 The average home in Spanish Fork has increase almost $100k in the past 5 years. The average home in 2014 was selling for $211, 422 and it is now $305,463. This is unbelievable. I have been selling homes in Spanish Fork for 25 years and have never seen an increase in prices like we have seen over the past five years. Is it sustainable? Sellers are receiving multiple offers on homes that are just listed on anything under $300k. It doesn’t seem possible to me to see the prices continue to increase. However, I thought this a few years ago and the price still keep increasing.

Our team works and lives in Spanish Fork and this area. If you are thinking of buying or selling a Spanish Fork Home contact our team. We will give you a free market analysis of your Spanish Fork home if you are selling. If you are buying we can give you a daily list of Spanish Fork homes.


Paul Teasdale
Principal Broker
Team Teasdale Realty